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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

Frigate birds display and
exchange nesting material

Waved albatross dance

The need to lay their egg on firm ground
ties the albatross to the coast

but parental responsibilities
are shared

While one looks after the egg,
...the other can go off to feed

The need to breed brings
many different animals

to the coast each year
for a few weeks

Male sea turtles spend all
their lives at sea, but the females,

like birds, must come to
land to lay their eggs

To do that green turtles that live
and feed off the coast of Brazil

swim fifteen hundred miles to the
tiny island of Ascension

that lies bang in the middle
of the Atlantic Ocean

Exactly how they manage to
navigate with such accuracy

and find this tiny lump of rock,
just seven miles wide is a mystery

But each year up to five thousand
turtles manage to do so and then,

close to the coast of Ascension,
they mate

Travelling to and from Ascension and
nesting here can take up to six months

and throughout that entire time,
none of them feed at all

After mating a female has to
leave her natural element

and haul herself up onto land

She does so at night,
laying about three or four times

at around fifteen day intervals

After that she then swims all the way
back to the seas off Brazil

She returns to this very same
island throughout her life

Remarkably, all the world's sea turtles
return year after year

to just a few traditional
breeding sites

Crab lsland, in Australia,
is one of them

This tiny two-mile long crescent of sand,

lying a few miles off
Queensland's northerly tip,

provides nesting sites
for half the entire population

of one of the world's
rarest sea turtles

Flat-backed turtles are large,
over a metre long

- but they have to be careful

There are other giant
reptiles here too

Salt-water crocodiles

Every night throughout the year

there are flat-backs burying their eggs
all along this lonely stretch of sand

Nine weeks later and things
are about to happen

These eyes shining in the darkness
belong to night herons

As if from nowhere, hundreds of birds
suddenly appear on the sand dunes

Pelicans wait patiently

Jabiru storks pace up and down

Before long they see what
they've been waiting for.

Because these turtles lay
their eggs throughout the year,

the hatchlings emerge night after night
in a steady trickle of beak sized meals

Pelican's broad beaks allow
them to dig out the hatchlings


crab [kræb] n. 螃蟹;蟹肉;脾气乖戾的人;起重机 vt. 抱怨;破坏;使偏航 vi. 捕蟹;发牢骚;抱怨 {cet6 ky toefl gre :5100}

navigate [ˈnævɪgeɪt] vt. 驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于 vi. 航行,航空 {toefl gre :6416}

turtles ['tɜːtlz] n. 乌龟(turtle的复数) { :6490}

dunes [dju:nz] n. 沙丘( dune的名词复数 ) { :7022}

Crescent [ˈkresnt] n. 新月;新月状物;伊斯兰教的标记;土耳其的新月形国徽 adj. 新月形的;逐渐增加的 vt. 以新月形物装饰;使成新月形 n. (Crescent)人名;(法)克雷桑 { :7951}

patiently ['peɪʃntlɪ] adv. 耐心地;有毅力地 { :8234}

trickle [ˈtrɪkl] n. 滴,淌;细流 vt. 使…滴;使…淌;使…细细地流 vi. 滴;细细地流;慢慢地移动 {toefl ielts gre :8863}

crocodiles [ˈkrɔkədailz] n. 鳄鱼( crocodile的名词复数 ); (做成皮革的)鳄鱼皮; 成对纵列行进的人(尤指儿童) { :9844}

herons ['herənz] n. <动>鹭( heron的名词复数 ) { :10082}

beaks [bi:ks] n. 鸟嘴( beak的名词复数 ); 鹰钩嘴; 尖鼻子; 掌权者 { :10354}

beak [bi:k] n. [鸟] 鸟嘴;鹰钩鼻子;地方执法官;男教师 n. (Beak)人名;(英、西)比克 {toefl :10354}

reptiles ['reptaɪlz] n. 爬行动物(reptile的复数);[脊椎] 爬行类;爬虫类 { :10530}

frigate [ˈfrɪgət] n. 护卫舰;三帆快速战舰 { :16342}

ascension [əˈsenʃn] n. 上升;耶稣升天 n. (Ascension)人名;(西)阿森西翁 { :17809}

pelicans [ˈpelɪkənz] n. <动>鹈鹕( pelican的名词复数 ) { :18790}

northerly [ˈnɔ:ðəli] adj. 北方的,向北的;来自北方的 adv. 向北;来自北方 n. 北风 { :19545}

storks [stɔ:ks] n. <动>鹳( stork的名词复数 ) { :20487}

albatross [ˈælbətrɒs] n. [鸟] 信天翁;沉重负担 { :20677}

hatchlings [ ] (hatchling 的复数) n.人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟 { :26157}

jabiru ['dʒæbɪru:] n. 鹳(热带美洲产)

Atlantic Ocean [ ] n. 【地】大西洋 [网络] 大西洋航线;保大西洋险;海

bang in [ ] 用力将…推进去:;[俚语]将…关进牢房

bang in the middle [ ] na. 正当中 [网络] 在正中间

bang in the middle (of) [ ] [口语]恰好在…中间,在正当中

frigate bird [ˈfrɪgɪt bə:d] na. 【动】军舰鸟 [网络] 军舰岛

frigate birds [ ] 军舰鸟

green turtle [ɡri:n ˈtə:tl] na. 【动】绿蠵龟 (Chelonia mydas) [网络] 绿海龟;甲鱼;绿龟

night heron [ ] [鸟类]; 夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax); 黄顶夜鹭(Nyctanassa violacea,产于美洲)

parental responsibility [pəˈrentl riˌspɔnsəˈbiliti] [网络] 父母的责任;父母责任;父母亲的亲权

sand dune [sænd du:n] un. 沙丘;砂丘;沙垄 [网络] 沙丘图片;金色砂丘;大沙丘

sea turtle [si: ˈtə:tl] un. 海龟 [网络] 成年海龟;海洋龟;海龟坐骑

shine in [ ] 把(光)射进…; (使)从外边照进来; 出色, 出众

the atlantic [ðə ætˈlæntɪk] [网络] 大西洋月刊;大西洋杂志;美国大西洋月刊

the atlantic ocean [ ] n. 【地】大西洋 [网络] 横渡大西洋;小西洋;航行于大西洋

to breed [ ] 配种

to navigate [ ] [网络] 驾驶;航海;航海考试大论坛

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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